Time to assemble the dough and butter, make the first two folds, and chill the puff pastry dough ... From left to right, Strut, Belle, and Spring don't care.
Vingilótë's master suite (the entire starboard hull). Master bed is forward in the bridge deck connecting the two hulls, the bathroom with walk-in shower and rain shower head is aft). The master...
The fire is going and the stockings are beckoning! Discerning eyes will notice the stockings for Spring, Strut, and Belle amongst ours and the ones for our guests: yes, we treat our guests just as...
Spring's stitches are out. The hair in what they shaved for surgery is growing back nicely, but around the wound scar it may not: we'll see. After the stitches came out she got to go to work with me...
Warning: the high heat from the wood burning insert can melt your Doberman Pinscher! In other news, Spring is doing well. We took her in Saturday fir a swelling I didn't like but all is well. The...
Not a bad pick. I'd have had more Strut and Spring, more friends, fun, and food shots, a few more cooking creations, but it does show that our Life Is Good! Thank y'all who make it so!
Spring's doing well. She had her checkup three days post surgery. It's all healing well, no sign of infection, and the vet took out the drains. The holes should scab over and close on their own, as...
Spring's wound. For scale, the bits of the drain sticking out are 1-1 1/4 inches. Location: top is her back, right is her hind leg. Entry wound is at the top and you can see how it hooked down, and...