Anyone interested in playing ShadowWorld Mainline by Google Hangout (it seems to work better than Skype - voice only's fine, video if you'd like) this Sunday 10am-12pm Pacific time?
Bright sun in a brilliant blue sky. Mid/High seventies on the deck off of the kitchen on the top/ground floor. Trees leafing, birds twittering. Warm, secluded sitting for upcoming brunch with Irene...
I am very excited about this one. Integrating Goodreads and Amazon's social work, combining my books owned, what I'm reading, my reading list, Amazon's Wishlist, picking gifts off of my friends'...
Even if you are not attending Ambercon 2013 in person, or if you do and did not pre-order a T-Shirt, you can still (and ongoing even beyond the con) order your Ambercon 2013 T-Shirt, and have it...
What's on my mind you ask, dear Facebook? Tools. When he was told that Apple Computer had just bought a Cray to help design the next Apple Macintosh, Cray commented that he had just bought a...