Huh, to make certain I get my passport renewed before mid October in the time between international travel this year (until then at best just over 5 weeks), I'll have to fly to San Francisco to the...
Three stitches: nicked the main artery on the side towards the thumb. At the ER when the doctor moved the edges to look at the cut it opened up again and it sprayed 4, 5 foot. In other news, it's...
In other, food related news, I may never be able to cook store bought pasta again. Even locally fresh made, or top notch dry pasta, doesn't hold a candle to what I can throw together in an hour and a...
Best fettuccine alfredo I ever had. Freshly made fettuccine, an alfredo sauce where I substituted egg, cornstarch in white wine, olive oil, and some of the starchy water I cooked the pasta in, for...
I just got this picture from my mother, Anni Voskamp-Bok. She painted this picture of Strut and Spring as a birthday gift. She'd hoped to show it to me in person Tuesday - I was going to fly to Cape...