Back in Seattle. Bar my second honeymoon, best vacation ever. Thursday afternoon through late morning today with Irene, Colin, and five to eight friends. Every day get up, cook, eat and clean up...
Same joy as when I had this after flying back from Cape Town in March. Doctor has no idea. Chest X-Ray, full blood workup, and broad spectrum antibiotics. I'll take that and snuggle up with Dobies in...
It's a painkillers back-to-back 40+ hour day, with some sleep on the plane. Sadly, traveling, I can't take the painkillers and better living through chemistry that my body needs.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. It's getting ridiculous. Stewardess on the Amsterdam Seattle leg recognized me. Even recalled where I was sitting the previous time. I mean I don't fly Seattle-Amsterdam-Cape Town...
Apparently I should lay off reading FB on my phone, i.e. without the FBP filtering my laptop has, late at night while on the road by myself. It makes me want to scrap our plans to buy a sailing yacht...