Vingilótë’s seven rooftop solar panels I must say, the sun is truly an awesome thing. Not only does it light and warm the whole world, through the artifice of Victron’s amazing solar panels it...
Vingilótë is designed to be sailed by just Irene and me. And, in case if emergencies, or for many situations where your other is busy, to be sailed by one. To that end all halyards, reefing line,...
We tried to remove from the boat as much of the shiny bits as possible. Shiny bits need to remain shiny and I’m not fond of shining ‘em. The stanchions are carbon fiber, the railing Spectra...
Vingilótë has a very simple sail plan. She has a self-tacking blade jib, a screecher, and a mainsail. They are tri-radial cut from a light-gray Wharpdrive, a lighter weight fabric that yet is...
Now in harbor we’re running all lights, fridges, freezers, and air conditioners, and in the overcast sky the solar panels generate only 300W less than everything draws. And then the boat cooled...
It’s not entirely impossible I may overdo things. I calculated effective solar flux to figure how much the change in angle of the sun and cloud cover affected how much power our solar panels could...
tl;dr Vingilótë’s solar panels generate a ton of power and the electrical systems design works! Technical Details Vingilótë is as green as you can make a reliable boat: light, with a sail plan...