(sigh) The free WiFi in the pub doesn't allow SSH out, so I need to guzzle my nice English dry pear cider and go up to my room to promote the Ambercon US site to production. The sacrifices I make for...
Testing found two permission issues and an extraneous bit. Cleaned up. Re-tested. Passed. Clean out the data from testing and the Ambercon US site is ready to go live.
Last of the bugs fixed. Run through the test cases, write a bit of explanatory text on the changes, update the blog and home page, and ACUS will be launched.
Got kicked out by the cleaning ladies, back to the room for a quick shower, then fixing the remaining ACUS site's bugs. The cleaning lady knocked just as the last bug was fixed. I took it as an omen...
Okay, enough is enough. Now I can work (on turning on registration and game submission for Ambercon 2011), and have WiFi, Trillian keeping disconnecting my Google and Yahoo! (and sometimes others,...
Irene told me her brother Graham, the doctor, states "If you think you have the flu, you have a cold. If you think you're going to die, you have a flu. If you think that is a good idea, you should...
I'm on the mend. The unbelievably nasty flu is being driven back. Two days eating, keeping down, and processing food, wow, what a difference. Weak as a kitten, bit tired and light headed, but my mind...